Legal Help for Custody Problems
Orange County Child Custody Lawyer
Even with court-imposed custody orders and arrangements in place, it is not uncommon for families to encounter problems with these agreements. Whether one parent is unhappy with the arrangement, or a change in circumstances has made these orders unreasonable for a family's situation, there are ways to resolve these issues with a potential to minimize hassle and grief. When there is a problem or dispute over a custody agreement, take appropriate action to remedy the situation quickly and effectively.
Problems and disputes may arise in a number of different arrangements, such as:
You may be looking to the future and expecting problems to arise with custody arrangements. You may be wondering how custody will be shared or whether or not another parent should have supervised contact with a child. Don't worry—there are steps you can take in custody disputes to resolve the issues effectively and amiably. Discuss your situation with a board-certified family law specialist at Kevin B. Gibbs and obtain a clearer understanding of your options. Contact me today and safeguard your family's future!
Court-Imposed Custody Orders
In situations such as a contested divorce, parents may have a judge decide the custody order and other arrangements. In making decisions for child custody, judges examine a number of factors in the best interests of the child. Most of the evidence a judge will use is gathered in court proceedings. If vital information is left out by one or both parents during these times, it could drastically alter the court-ordered arrangements.
Each parent must follow specific guidelines as ordered by a family law judge when child custody is awarded. When a parent fails to make the proper choices and goes against an agreement, that parent might lose custody and/or visitation rights with their child until the courts decide otherwise. When seeking court-ordered custody arrangements, it is important to provide the judge with as much information as possible. A court-ordered custody modification is not impossible, but it is still a process that takes extra time and expense to complete.
Solve These Issues Without Going to Court
Whether you are preparing to make custody arrangements or seeking modifications, negotiating these agreements without court supervision saves time and money. It does not matter if you are in the process of a divorce or you are already legally separated from your child's parent—there are alternative methods to making child custody arrangements. Two of the most effective tools you should consider are mediation and collaborative divorce. Each of these methods carry benefits that a court-imposed custody order does not.
The benefits of these alternative methods include the following:
- Confidential negotiations with no public record.
- Avoiding costs from court hearings and attorney fees.
- Parents maintain control of the process.
- Potential to improve communication and avoid future conflicts.
- Arriving at agreements favorable for all parties involved.
In both mediation and collaborative divorce, parents meet outside of court to negotiate the terms of the child custody arrangement. In mediation, parents are assisted by the guidance of a third-party mediator who facilitates the negotiations. In both collaborative divorce and mediation, parents may have their attorneys present, but legal representation is not required. The purpose of these alternative methods is to minimize the involvement of a judge, and to support open communication between the parents.
Take Action to Protect Your Child's Safety & Interests
When confronting custody problems, the safety of you and your child are paramount. If you believe that you or your child may be in danger, contact local law enforcement. If the other parent refuses to comply or negotiate, you may be able to petition a judge to enforce a custody order. Whatever the situation, remember that custody orders are never set in stone. With proper procedure, orders may be petitioned for modification to better meet the best interests of the child even after an order has been issued.
As a seasoned family law attorney with more than 25 years of experience, I can meet with you during a free case consultation to discuss the seriousness of the custody problems that you may be experiencing. Not only am I prepared to inform you of your divorce alternative options, but I am also able to take your case before a judge to ensure that your parental rights and the welfare of your child are legally protected. Start working proactively to make positive decisions for your family's future.
I represents parents throughout Orange County and Riverside County. Contact Kevin B. Gibbs, APLC today and discuss your family law matters with me!

"I used Mr. Gibbs for my divorce. He was great, very knowledgeable and professional! He was excellent at letting me know the options I had and pointing me in the best direction. He was upfront and honest about outcomes. I was very happy with his service."Joshua Lott
"I could not have asked for a better experience in the midst of a bad situation than working with Mr. Gibbs. He was honest and fair and patient and kind."Rebecca Sterling
"He is a great family law attorney and I would definitely recommend him to a friend or family member in need."Les D.

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