Orange County Legal Separation Attorney
Alternative to Dissolving a Marriage
Kevin B. Gibbs, APLC can help anyone who is considering divorce or separation to understand the processes. With 25 years of experience as a family lawyer in Orange County, I have handled many cases dealing with complex family law issues. As a board-certified family law specialist and experienced divorce mediator, I can help couples pursue the best method for their marital arrangements.
Understanding Separation Agreements in Orange County
Opting to legally separate allows each individual in a relationship to live apart from one another while remaining married. The time of the separation is officiated by the court and it does not allow for the remarriage of one partner to another person during the time spent apart. Neither party can or will be accused of desertion in cases of legal separation because the decision was reached mutually and legally sanctified. Speak with an Orange County divorce attorney about your unique circumstances and how legal separation may benefit the situation.
Contact usnow to schedule a consultation with our Orange County separation lawyer.
Benefits of Hiring a Divorce Lawyer for Legal Separation
Involving a divorce lawyer in the decision to legally separate will allow you to understand and establish all processes and expectations involved. You cannot predict how having time apart from your partner may affect your family. Assistance from an attorney can help you rest more easily knowing that legal defense is always available to you, no matter what circumstances might arise.
Other issues that arise may require legal counsel, such as:
Explore Alternative Methods for Resolving Marital Differences
Are you trying to avoid the frustration and expenses of a court-litigated divorce? Legal separation is not the only option. Mediation and collaborative divorce are two alternative methods to a traditional divorce procedure. You can use mediation to resolve almost all marital agreements and negotiations, and making arrangements with a third-party mediator is less expensive and less troublesome than court litigation. Collaborative divorce allows you to avoid court while still retaining a legal professional to represent your interests in a negotiation.
Protect Your Interests with a Trusted Divorce Lawyer
My extensive experience in the field and complete devotion to the family law practice has allowed me the opportunity to legally advise people with all types of cases. There are virtually no situations in family law that I feel unequipped to handle. When you need help, turn to a divorce lawyer who is confident in their ability to support your needs and best interests. It is always my top priority to help my clients secure their future. Schedule a free case evaluation today and find out how Kevin B. Gibbs, APLC may help you in your legal separation or divorce alternative!
Contact my firm and consult a skilled mediator and divorce lawyer in Orange County.

"I used Mr. Gibbs for my divorce. He was great, very knowledgeable and professional! He was excellent at letting me know the options I had and pointing me in the best direction. He was upfront and honest about outcomes. I was very happy with his service."Joshua Lott
"I could not have asked for a better experience in the midst of a bad situation than working with Mr. Gibbs. He was honest and fair and patient and kind."Rebecca Sterling
"He is a great family law attorney and I would definitely recommend him to a friend or family member in need."Les D.

Contact Us Today
Complete our form below or call us at (714) 987-9819.